Ministry XR Leadership Sparks up VRARA Malaysia Chapter
January 21, 2019
Mike Chin
The VRARA Chapter and its network across the globe takes a small step towards accelerating growth, connections and knowledge sharing within the industry, as Ministry XR makes a giant leap in its collaboration with the Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) to enhance efforts in nurturing students into professionals with complete XR technological knowledge and experience. Preparing the multicultural student community, which comprises 12,000 students from over 120 countries, for challenging careers and roles in business and society globally.
In the next 5 years, Malaysians will begin to experience the impact of Extended Reality (XR) where Live, Learn, Work and Play solutions are redesigned within real-and-virtual combined environments, coupled with human-machine interactions generated by computer technology and wearables. Revolutionising how we will all ‘experience’ information.
Analysts estimate a market size of nearly US$150 billion by 2020 spanning across hardware, software, gaming, film, ecommerce, data, entertainment, education and enterprise.
With the massive market opportunity in mind and a fragmented global ecosystem, the Chapter President Dr Andrew Yew and Chapter Co-President Mundzir Abdul Latif, partners of Ministry XR, officially launched the VRARA Malaysia Chapter, a member of an international industry association for virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality connecting leading solution providers with over 50 chapters around the world. The goals are to accelerate growth, knowledge and connections at a global scale across all verticals of the industry.